Global Cyber University: Admission, Tuition, Courses

Global Cyber University: This is an institution is filled with numerous students whose sole determination is to create an impact in their various places of origin.

Global Cyber University makes sure their students are well educated to have a developed mindset that will give them the confidence to counter life challenges and also prefer solutions to them.

At Global Cyber University, students can adjust the schools’ curriculum to be compatible with their own needs.

The University is making partnerships with other universities to make they provide a quality online platform for quality education for its students.

The Global Cyber University places its students first and provides a quality guide on their journey to attain a profitable career.

I advise you choose Global Cyber University and all it has in stock for you.

About Global Cyber University

Global Cyber University is popularly known for education and most importantly globalizing students on Korean tradition.

Global Cyber University is known as BTS University abroad. Among 7 members of BTS, who are becoming global sensations, 6 of them have been students of Global Cyber University.

It is an institution based on the Gongik ideal and its ideal aim is to promote K-Culture or Hallyu Culture in different places in the world.

Koreans have a philosophy that is part of their culture, and so many of the citizens have placed it right on the tables of their hearts.

The philosophy is part of the components forming the foundation of Global Cyber University educational pedagogy, and it is Hongik in Korea. The meaning of Hongik is “live and work for the benefit of all, not just yourself”.

The increased progress of information technology has made it easier for students to gain an advantage of the Global Cyber University having more possibilities than in the past.

Now let’s move to know some reasons why you should choose Global Cyber Unversity.

Why Global Cyber University

Education at Global Cyber University is about helping people incorporate this spirit into their lives. Here you will, therefore, find a very different experience.

Global Cyber University fully wants to help people harness their talents for the benefit of the world at large.  This world’s talent is developed through the use of popular Art and Culture. to live what they call the Hongik ideal.

The university contributes lots of cultural information in the world like other universities in the globe.

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The Global Cyber University makes the education of students its main priority and the real meaning of Korean culture is extended to both indigen and international students at large.

Cyber students have no physical contact with instructors and students and are left alone with their learning.

Here you will find a very different experience. Our focus is on creating connections between people to benefit the whole of cyber university Tuition fee

While your fellow students may be half a world away, Global Cyber University’s emphasis and support for collaborative learning and problem solving through the Internet encourages our students to become even closer than they would in a traditional classroom.

Another reason why you should choose Global Cyber University is its promotion of Brain education.

Major developed countries are focusing investment on studying the brain, which is an asset for the future of humanity and the final frontier of science.

Consequently, vigorous convergence research is taking place in all fields, including physics, chemistry, bioengineering, cognitive science, and psychology.

The results of in-depth research into the human brain will contribute to the development of learning as well as to spreading awareness of the brain to all of society, including the areas of health, education, and culture.

Global Cyber University ensures healthy lives and promotes well-being for all of all ages. Positive choices and behaviors for your health and happiness are more important than anything else GCU for preventing noncommunicable diseases and promoting mental health.

Finally,  everyone in GUC has the potential to bring out their innate peace and develop their brain, regardless of race, language, or educational understanding.

Global Cyber University Ranking

The GCU is known for helping students reach their full prospect through their learning strategies. Their teachings are based on a kind of personal development system to improve the way people live their life to be better.

In July, Global Cyber University obtained an award for their recognition on “Emotional Labour Healing 365Campaign”.

The organization has been in operation for the past four years emerging from the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency, and the University has full accreditation already by the Ministry of Education in Korea.

Courses/Program GCU Offer

Global Cyber University, as a global professional institution for higher education in the 21st century, is dedicated to discovering and nurturing cultural talent.

GCU achieve cultural talent through the following program/course:

  • Counseling Psychology
  • Brain Education Convergence
  • Sports & Health
  • Brain-based Emotion Coaching
  • Practical English
  • AI Convergence
  • Convergence Contents
  • Entertainment & Media
  • Convergence Management
  • Oriental Studies
  • Interdisciplinary- Major
    • Dementia Care
    • Global K-Culture
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Admission At Global Cyber University

Bear in mind that admissions at Global Cyber University are processed in Korean and all courses are taught in Korean too.

Since there is no language requirement, therefore you don’t need to provide your score in the Korean language proficiency test.
Note that it is important to understand Korea at a certain level so that it will be easy for you to make do with most of the assignments and teaching.

Here are the admission requirements for First Year, Second Year Transfer, and Third Year Transfer Students

Admission Requirements For First-Year Students

Below is the requirement for first-year students that are applying for admission at GCU.

  1. High school graduate (or expected graduate)
  2. An applicant who passed the high school equivalency test
  3. An applicant recognized as having the educational equivalent to above by law

Admission Requirements Second-Year Students

Below is the requirement for second-year students that are applying for admission at GCU.

  1. Applicants who have graduated (or are expected to graduate) from college and are recognized as having the equivalent educational background under the law.
  2. Those applicants who have completed at least two semesters of college and have earned 35 or more credits.
  3. Those applicants who have earned 35 or more credits under the Act of Credit Recognition.

Admission Requirements Third-Year Students

Below is the requirement for third-year students that are applying for admission at GCU.

  1. Those applicants who have graduated (or are expected to graduate) from college are recognized as having the educational equivalent background under the law.
  2. Applicants who have completed at least four semesters of college and have earned 70 or more credits
  3. Those applicants who have earned 70 or more credits under the Act on Credit Recognition.

Eligibility for General and Special Admissions

Applicants will be accepted under special admissions when the applicant’s special career (life experience) and conditions correspond with certain guidelines.

Those applicants who meet the common qualifications above and wish to apply for special admissions must meet the following conditions in order to be accepted.

Eligibility for Transfer Students

  1. Applicants with Credits will be accepted once the associate department has submitted and reviewed the transcripts from the previous college.
  2. Second-year transfer students can receive up to 35 credits and third-year transfer students can receive up to 70 credits.
  3. Depending on the previous university’s field of study and the transfer department’s field of study, credits are recognized as a cultural choice, primary choice, or general choice courses.
  4. Transfer students’ course notes are not accepted, only course credits are accepted.
  5. The remaining credits that are not recognized as primary and cultural elective credits are considered general elective credits.
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Global Cyber University Document Requirements

The following are the documents required for application into GCU;

  • Original high school transcript (Translated and notarized)
  • All official transcripts for both elementary school, middle school, and high school are to be submitted if you graduated from a different country.
  • Original High School Diploma certificate (Translated and notarized)
  • Official Agreement for Enrollment and Academic Credits (Attached file)
  • Academic History Verification Report or the Verification of Apostille
  • Applicants passport
  • Downloaded application formGlobal Cyber University BTS

Global Cyber Tuition Fee

The entrance Fee in GCU is KRW 166,000.

The course Fee is KRW 70,000 per credit

Total course fee per semester (18 credits for 6 courses): KRW 1,260,000

The table below is Global Cyber University tuition in $

Affiliation(Department) Bachelor’s
AI Convergence 1,200
Oriental Studies 1,200
Convergence Management 1,200

GCU Payment Method: In GCU, you can pay with Credit Cards or Wire Transfers

The scholarship will be informed with individual requests right before filling out the application.

How To Apply For Admission Into GCU

Follow through this process if you want to apply for admission into Global Cyber University.

For Online Applications,

  • Go to
  • Fill out the application form completely and save it.
  • Make application fee payment (KRW 30,000)
  • Fill out Study Plan and Academic Aptitude Test

FAQ On Global Cyber University

Below are some of the frequently asked questions on GCU;

Is Global Cyber University Expensive?

Their tuition fee is moderately affordable for all students.

The total course fee per semester (18 credits for 6 courses) is KRW 1,260,00

Is Global Cyber University Online?

Yes. It is the best online university that emphasizes Korean traditions, academic excellence, and how to implement everything learned into daily activities


If you have questions on Global Cyber University or you are planning on choosing this path as a career guide, read through our GCU guide to get all the important information that will aid you.