How To Start A Computer Training School In Nigeria

Due to the rapid technological advancement, knowing how to start a computer training school in Nigeria is a good way to position and take advantage of the emerging world of technology.

A lot of people are interested to equip themselves with different computer and technological skills so as not to be left out in the current computer age.

Hence, having a computer training school is fast becoming a very lucrative business in Nigeria today irrespective of your location.

Additionally, starting a computer training school is not as capital intensive as it may seem depending on your location, and choice of equipment, among other factors.

This article brings you up to speed with a step-by-step guide on how to start a computer training school in Nigeria.

How To Start A Computer Training School In Nigeria

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to start a computer training school in Nigeria.

1. Acquire Various Computer And ICT Skills

Just as the popular saying goes; you cannot give out what you don’t have.

Before you start nursing the plan of opening a computer training school in Nigeria, you must have first equipped yourself with the necessary computer and ICT skills.

This would make you be able to successfully pass the knowledge to your prospective students without the hassle and also make you stand out among your competitors.

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You should acquire knowledge of various ICT skills such as photo and video editing, web designing, coding, and sound knowledge of excel spreadsheets, among other skills.

However, you can also outsource professional tutors to teach your students about their areas of dexterity.

You may also consider going for ICT skills certification programs before or after you’ve established your computer training school as it would boost your brand and also give your a competitive advantage.

2. Write A Business Plan

“He who fails to plan plans to fail” goes a popular saying.

Every successful business starts with a detailed business plan.

A good business plan must encompass how to raise capital for the business, the location of the business, the weakness of your competitors, your competitive advantage, how to attract prospective customers, and your scale-up plan, among other necessary details for the growth and sustenance of the business.

3. Raising Capital For The Business

Before you get to this stage, you must have known the estimate of the capital you’d be needing to set up your computer training school.

You could raise capital from your personal savings, group contributions, investments, loans from family members, friends, or from microfinance banks.

4. Rent A Shop

Your shop should be located in an easily accessible and strategic location where you’d easily attract your prospective students.

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Also, have at the back of your mind that your shop should be spacious enough to accommodate a number of students simultaneously.

5. Equip and Furnish Your Shop

Getting the necessary gadgets and other equipment for your shop is the next step.

Procure a good number of desktop and laptop computers, CPUs, printers, generator sets, chairs, and tables, among other equipment and gadgets according to your budget.

Also endeavor to give your shop a good painting, and endure that it is well illuminated as it would help to make your shop look attractive to your customers.

6. Hire Professional Tutors

You might likely not have the required technological know-how and skills in all the ICT skills you want to teach in your computer training school.

In order to bridge this gap, you’d need to employ the services of a professional in that field to teach your students.

You can bargain a fixed salary with the tutor or agree on a monthly sharing formula for the revenue generated from his services.

7. Register Your Business

Registering your computer training school with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) is one of the ways to boost the image of your brand, improve your brand image, and ultimately have a competitive advantage over your competitors.

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Registering your business name with the CAC is hassle-free and would cost between N30,000 to N50,000.

8. Create Awareness For Your Business

Even if you have the best qualification and offer the best ICT and computer technology services, without properly creating awareness for your business, you’d likely make little or no sales.

You can promote your business by printing handbills, word of mouth, banners, posters, radio commercials, social media, or through any other means within your reach.


Having a computer training school in Nigeria has in recent times become a very profitable business venture due to the recent massive technological adoption in Nigeria.

This article brings you up to speed with a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to start a successful computer training school in Nigeria.