10 Best Paying Jobs In Marine Transportation

Nobody wants to be underpaid. That is why looking for the best paying jobs in marine transportation if it is your career field or one you want to venture into is very important.

If you love adventure, traveling the ocean or sea, and having fun while working then a career in marine transportation might just be the one for you.

The marine transportation industry has a lot to offer. Whether you want to work off ships if you choose a land-based job or on ships, the industry got you covered.

In this article, we have not only explained the highest paying jobs in marine transportation but also the jobs in high demand than the other and the general requirement in the marine transportation industry.

What Is Marine Transportation?

Marine transportation, Maritime transport, or waterborne transport is the transportation of goods and passengers on a boat, ships, vessel, barge, or ferries, through international waters.

They mostly transport goods that are very heavy. They are known to have moved over 10 billion tonnes of containers, solid and liquid bulk cargo across the world’s oceans.

For the transportation of raw materials such as coal, crude oil, or farm produce like grain marine transportation is mostly used.

Is Marine Transportation A Good Career Path?

Yes, a job in marine transportation can be the best career path to choose because of its high wage payment, the advantage of traveling worldwide, and the full range of opportunities to choose from.

You will also have an opportunity of exploring life and also meet new people. Working in marine transportation can give your life a twist if you are not prepared for it or adventurous.

Therefore you need to know what you are getting yourself Into.

Benefits Of Working In The Marine Transportation Industry

The benefits are numerous and are sure greater than any disadvantage you can mention. Below are some of the basic advantages of working in the maritime industry;

  • High Wage
  • You do not necessarily need a formal education
  • In job training
  • Long holidays
  • Possibilities for expedited career advancement
  • A chance to work with a close-knit group of people
  • Travel opportunities
  • Adventure
  • Flexibility in your career
  • Outdoor living

Basic Job Requirements In Marine Transportation Industry

Although most jobs in the maritime transportation industry do not necessarily need a degree, if you have one, you stand a chance of getting paid more.

To secure a job in the marine industry, you basically need specialized skills and post-secondary training. The job training may differ with reference to the type of job.

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Since sea-based jobs are very dangerous, they require vigorous training that the requirement is set by the US Coast Guard while the land base jobs do not need intense training or skill set.

Generally, you might be required to have Transport Worker Identification Credential that the Transport Security Administration issues.

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Average Salary For Marine Transportation Jobs

Maritime transport workers are paid handsomely compared to other industries which are why most people want to switch career paths.

The median salary of a marine transport worker in the US is $89,113 annually while entry-level positions range from $25,000 to $75,000 per year.

Then the executive workers take home a huge amount which is around $118,000 a year.

10 Best Paying Jobs In Marine Transportation

The best paying jobs in marine transportation that I have outlined below are not only the best paying but also the most sought-after jobs in the marine industry;

Boat Pilot

A maritime pilot, marine pilot, harbor pilot, port pilot, ship pilot, or boat pilot, is a mariner who maneuvers ships through dangerous or congested waters, such as harbors or river mouths.

In this career path, you don’t just work for a particular ship but for a port or duck as the case may be. This job will make you travel far and wide.

You must have excellent basic operation imperative of different boats, good communication skills, and exceptional knowledge of the hazards, currents, and tides of the harbor you work with.

A boat pilot earns about $42,000-$223,000 per year.

Naval Architect

This is another one of the best-paying jobs in marine transportation. A naval architect is in charge of designing, maintaining, and repairing boats and other naval transport vehicles.

They also design ships using the scientific knowledge of physics, engineering, computer software, and architecture.

They are often in the water because they test the stability of ship components and functions and also maintain the ship in the water.

Their salaries range from $70,000-$100,000 per year.

Ship Captain

A sea captain, ship’s captain, captain, master, or shipmaster, is a high-grade licensed mariner with the overall command and control of the navigation, maneuvering, cargo handling, stowage, communications, and safe handling of the ship.

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They oversee the affairs of the ship. They make sure the ship adheres to both local and international sea laws.

To become a ship captain, you are required to have a master’s license or extra master’s license or be a commissioned officer.

They earn a salary between $40,000 and $222,000 per annum.

Marine Superintendent

This is another high-paying job in marine transportation. This is a transportation manager who makes sure that all maintenance and repair of vessels or ships are carried out appropriately.

They are also in charge of conducting dockside inspections, drydocking, making sure safety rules and regulations are rightly followed, and handling the budget of ships.

They earn about $72,500-$104,000 per year.

Marine Welder

This is one of the marine transportation jobs that do not require a degree but just an industrial skill certified by the American Welding Society or any other trusted institution.

A marine welder uses elevated pressures, normally underwater to repair offshore structures and pipelines, ships, submarines, and nuclear reactors.

They mostly have certification as a professional diver. A marine welder earns about $35,500 – $50,000 a year.

Port Engineer

A port engineer is concerned with all the technical operations, infrastructure, and problems in a port. They make sure that engineers meet the safety standards of the sea and also oversee the maintenance and repairs.

They also work on harbor improvements and dredging and they also communicate with ships on the sea to maintain coordinates.

They earn about $70,000-$98,000 per year.

Marine Painter

This is another one of the best-paying marine transportation jobs that do not necessarily need a degree but are in high demand.

A marine painter applies paints on vessels, ships, boats, ferries, marine structures, or any other marine vehicle. They use brushes, rollers, and other spray equipment to give a pleasing design on these ships or the surrounding.

They earn an annual salary of about $33,500 – $43,000.

Marine surveyor

A marine surveyor simply inspects marine transport vehicles. They make sure that the loading and unloading of cargos are rightly done.

A marine surveyor also writes inspection reports and also relates findings to supervisors or vessel owners. They are paid about $39,500-$57,500 per year.

Commercial Diver

A commercial diver installs, maintains, and repairs underwater structures such as scuba gear or oil and gas rigs. They also inspect these structures on regular basis.

They take instructions from engineers on how to weld or cut a structure using specialized underwater equipment.

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Some also perform search and rescue missions after a disaster. They earn about $39,000-$67,000 per year.

Marine Service Manager

This is another one of the highest paying jobs in marine transportation because a marine service manager earns about $53,000-$82,000 per year.

They inspect vessels in port or the ones that are undergoing sea operation. After inspecting them, they make suggestions for upgrades and other safety repairs that the ship needs.

They also work with tradespeople and make sure all repairs and upgrades are carried out on the ship.


Below are some of the frequently asked questions that you might have in mind to ask and the answers to them;

What Is The Highest Paying Job In Transportation?

The single highest paying transportation jobs are commercial pilots, with a median national salary of $130,440.

What Is The Work Of Marine Transport?

Marine transportation, Maritime transport, or waterborne transport is the transport of goods and passengers on a boat, ship, vessel, barge, or ferries, through international waters.

For the transportation of raw materials such as coal, crude oil, or farm produce like grain marine transportation is the right option.

Can You Pick Your Job In The Marines?

Yes, based on your qualifications, you will get the choice of a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) field. Marine Corps recruiters are the best resource for information about a specific MOS.

How Much Is The Salary Of A Marine Transportation Worker?

The median salary of a marine transport worker in the US is $89,113 annually while entry-level positions range from $25,000 to $75,000 per year.


Whether you are starting your career or want to switch careers, this article on the best paying jobs in marine transportation will do a lot to help you in your search.

Look for a role you think you are perfect at, do proper research, attain the required skill, apply for the job, and be ready for the adventure marine transportation will bring.
