How To Make A Custom Seal Stone Signature Stamp

Have you wondered how to make a custom seal stone signature stamp for yourself or your small company? Or how to turn it into business?

Then you are in the right place because you will learn a lot from this article. Some might also be wondering what this custom seal stone signature stamp is.

Seals are basically stamps engraved on stone or other material. Custom Seal Stone Signature Stamp is manually carved by hand and contains rough edges and slight irregularities that cannot be exactly replicated such as different signature styles.

Stone sealing is the application of a surface treatment to products constructed of natural stone to retard staining and corrosion.

All bulk natural stone is riddled with interconnected capillary channels that permit penetration by liquids and gases. Isn’t that interesting?

This article will give you all the details you need to know about making a custom seal stone signature stamp that will be perfect for you.

How To Make A Custom Seal Stone Signature Stamp

The process of making a custom seal stone stamp is very easy if you carefully follow the steps below;

Step 1 Choose The Perfect Stone For You 

Select Your Stone, then write your desired word or signature backward. The standard seal is a 2.0 cm x 2.0 cm square.

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Also, because the end result will be the reverse of your actual engraving, it’s important to design the seal in a mirror image.

To simply do this, use an ink-based pen to write out each word or draw each signature to avoid mistakes during engraving.

Step 2 Hold Your Stone Firm

How To Make A Custom Seal Stone Signature Stamp

Make sure you use a wooden clamp. This ensures that the stone does not move when you carve it.

Note – you cannot “recarve” a stone, so do everything you can to avoid mishaps and wasting of the stone!

Step 3 Choose A Suitable Chisel For Craving

How To Make A Signature Stamp

Another step in making a custom seal stone signature stamp is choosing an appropriate chisel that will be smooth for engraving.

Most chisels can be found in specialized calligraphy stores or art stores. Make sure the metal is rigid enough to carve through the stone.

There are different sizes depending on your preference and stone size – pick the one you feel most comfortable with.

Step 4 Carve The stone

Carving the stone is the essential part of creating a custom seal stone signature stamp. To start, use a heavier chisel, and press forwards + downwards (not backward).

Try to follow the design layout as originally traced out by your pen. Carve slowly, carefully controlling each forward push.

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Step 5: Finally On How To Make A Custom Seal Stone Signature Stamp

Done engraving? Why don’t you taste your own personalized Seal stone by dipping your new seal in ink, and trying it out!

If it didn’t work out as planned, don’t worry – it takes many tries to get used to the process.

Congratulations on completing your very first custom seal signature stamp! You can now create your own custom seal stamp to your taste.


You can now see that how to make a custom seal stone signature stamp is very easy if you follow the process duly.

Make your own seal stone stamp today and turn it into a business and earn money daily. People can also come to you to get their own unique custom seal signature stamp.

You can also check out how to make a heart out of a gum wrapper to keep yourself busy when you are less free and also for leisure.