How To Write a Perfect Query Letter For Misconduct(Best Sample In 2023)

Query Letter For Misconduct: A query letter for misconduct is also known as, a written Warning, a Letter of Reprimand, a Disciplinary Form, or an Employee Warning form.

Employees are rewarded or reprimanded depending on their performance. It is usually the responsibility of the HR Department to monitor their performances as well as their behavior.

A warning letter for misconduct is rewarded to an employee depending on what the offense of the employee is. Query letters for misconduct might differ with respect to the level of offense.

An Employer can issue an employee a disciplinary letter if the employee is either underperforming or gets involved in some unacceptable conduct. Addressing the letter to the employee can help protect the employer against any future disputes.

Here are the most common reasons which may lead to getting a query letter:

  • Failure to fulfill obligations at work
  • Frequently tardy
  • Missing work without prior notice
  • A breach of the company’s confidentiality policy
  • A breach of safety and health policy
  • A breach of alcohol and drug policy
  • Misrepresenting one’s qualifications
  • Theft
  • Threatening or physically harming co-workers

Some HR department workers find it difficult to write this letter. It is true that writing a warning letter to the following employee even though it is your duty could be a daunting task, but if you want to order and discipline instilled in the workforce, you need to do this.

Here in this article, we will carefully explain how to write a query letter for misconduct, some samples of query letters for misconduct, and How to reply to this query letter.

Reasons For Writing A Query Letter For Misconduct

Always remember that the letter should mention the reasons why you’re reprimanding the employee. Here are some details that may be part of this letter:

  • The employee doesn’t measure to the company’s business standards.
  • You’re aware of the employee’s continuing inappropriate behaviors.
  • The letter should specify the steps which the employee should take to rectify his situation.
  • Backup documents like performance reviews and attendance records are the best proof of the employee’s unsatisfactory performance.

Note: Keep a sample warning letter to the employee on file as this can help the employer against any suit, should the employee attempt to sue or cause a labor dispute. The warning letters are ample enough to dismiss the case.

Tips For Writing A Query Letter To An Employee

Query Letter For Misconduct It’s the last resort warning to the employee that such behaviors aren’t tolerated. It also gives the employee that chance to mend his ways otherwise will suffer the consequences.

Here are some helpful tips for writing an effective letter to an employee for misbehavior or poor performance:

  • Go straight to the point. State the conduct or actions of the employee that aren’t unacceptable based on company standards. Also, if the employee keeps on repeating the behavior despite several verbal warnings.
  • Remind the employee that the letter is a warning for said transgressions.
  • State that if this trend continues, the company will resort to sterner actions which may include suspension or termination.
  • End the letter by requesting the employee to correct his conduct and observe good behavior from hence on.
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How To Write A Query Letter For Misconduct

Query Letter For Misconduct Sample PDF

There are certain things that should be your query letter should contain. Below we will explain them in detail;

1. Employees’ Address

The address should be placed on the left side of the letter. The employee’s address should always be written a line or two after the employer’s address.

2. Tittle

The title should be brief and concise. Stating the purpose of the letter.

3. Date

The date of writing the employee’s query should also be stated. And it should be one or two lines after the employers’ address.

4. Salutation

The salutation should be Dear Mr/Mrs.

5. First Paragraph

State why the situation is a breach of the company policy. Support your statements with the company’s constitution. Then identify yourself and your competence as one issuing the letter.

Remember to add the day the event took place for reference in the future.

If there are other times you have issued a warning to the said employee, add the cause of the previous query.

6. Body

Write what the employee needs to do to correct the action. Also, inform him/her of the deadline for improvement on the query.

The verbal query can now come in because in conflict solving the interest of both the employer and employee is considered.

7. Last Paragraph

Here the consequences of not following the step of improvement are listed in the last paragraph. and the said steps will also be listed here.

8. Name & Signature

This signature should be handwritten and a copy of the signed query should be kept for record.




Sample Of Query Letter For Misconduct

Date: 3rd May 2014.

HR Officer
Marketing Department,
AVO Organisation

Mr. John Sims,
Marketing Officer,
AVO Organization.

Subject: Warning Letter

Dear John,

This letter is issued to you as a warning letter, it has been reported against you that you have misconducted with the lower staff members. You have also been negligent towards the specific duties assigned to you. This action of yours has shown carelessness and irresponsibility.

The Management wants you to put in writing, the reasons for your misconduct with your explanation. If you will be unable to explain, then further strict actions would be taken, which may influence your job.

In case of any queries, e-mail at the address given below.



Sample 2

Employee Absence Warning Letter

Dear Ms. Brown:

Re: Written Warning

On [insert date], you failed to report for your scheduled shift at 9 a.m. You did not notify your manager of your absence in advance.

Furthermore, upon your return to work on [insert return date], you failed to provide a justifiable excuse for your absence or your failure to notify your manager in advance. This conduct is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by ABC Organization.

A review of your record indicates that you have failed to report to work without notice or justifiable excuse on several occasions in the past. In the past 12 months alone, you were absent in this manner on [x] other occasions. These absences were on [insert date] and [insert date].

On both of those occasions, you were given verbal warnings and directed to notify your manager in advance of every absence.

In light of the foregoing, we have no choice but to issue this written warning. We trust that this discipline will ensure that you correct your behavior in the future.

However, please note that if you engage in further misconduct of any kind, you may be subject to more severe discipline, up to and including suspensions and dismissal.

ABC Inc.

c.c. Personnel File

Sample 3


To: [Employee Name]

Date: ___________________

You are receiving this First Written Warning as a result of the issue(s) described below. Please be aware that this is the first step in [Name of Company]’s progressive discipline process. We trust that you will correct this matter by improving your performance of your job and/or refraining from the act or omission that has led to this First Warning Notice. Failure to make appropriate corrections will lead to further discipline, up to and including discharge.


  • Poor Work Performance
  • Tardiness
  • Insubordination
  • Improper Conduct
  • Safety Violation
  • Refusal to Work Overtime
  • Abuse of Leave
  • Misuse of Email or Telephone
  • Property Damage
  • Failure to Comply with Company Policy
  • Absenteeism
  • Substance use of abuse

             Other _______________________________________________________

Date, Time and Location of Infraction ______________________________________________


             You must comply with the attached Performance Improvement Plan (check if applicable)

Supervisor/Manager’s Name: _________________________

Title: ____________________________________________


Supervisor/Manager’s Signature

Date: __________________

Employee’s Name:                                                            __________________

I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the foregoing First Written Warning and that I have had an opportunity to discuss it with my supervisor or a designated manager.


Employee’s Signature

How To Reply To A Letter Of Misconduct

How To Reply Query Letter For Misconduct

Many people find it difficult to reply to a query at the workplace due to some reasons only known to them.

In this chapter, we are going to look at how to write a response to a query and also look at a sample of the query letters and how to respond to that query.

While replying to a query letter for misconduct, make sure you understand the purpose of the query and the reasons why you are being queried.

Since the reply is for official purposes, the letter will also be formal. You can start by acknowledging your misconduct and recalling the date the query was written to you.

Go straight to the point. The letter should be concise and brief. No side talks attached. Remember to also add the date and signature.

Sample Of Reply To Misconduct

Response to the Query

The Municipal/District Education Office

P. O. Box xxx

Name of District/Town

Dear Sir,


I refer to the query directed to me on the 18th of October 2019 on the above subject matter. My absence from the workplace which is unusual was due to my involvement in the just-ended National Identification exercise.

It wasn’t my intention to leave the workplace without following the due process guiding the conduct of the profession. But just to mention so, I have verbally informed my immediate supervisor and asked for permission to do so.

I admitted I’ve made a mistake of not putting the request in writing but as a worker under your outfit, I promised never to repeat this action of mine again.

Thank You.

Yours faithfully,

Your Signature

Your Name

FAQ On Query Letter For Misconduct

Below are some frequently asked questions on queries for misconduct;

How Do You Write An Employee Misconduct Report?

It’s important to follow some specific guidelines when preparing an employee misconduct report.

  • Detail the Investigation of Misconduct.
  • Explain the Specific Misconduct.
  • Detail the Improvement Action Plan.
  • Detail the Consequences of Future Misconduct.
  • Detail the Employee’s Right to Respond or Appeal

What Is A Query Letter To An Employee?

Let’s make reference to a query letter to an employee for lateness. A letter of lateness may refer to a warning or query sent to somebody for being late to an institution or event.

In this case, a query letter to an employee for lateness to work is a letter issued to an employee for coming late to work. It’s usually advisable to give verbal warnings before issuing queries.

How do you write a query letter to a staff?

It's quite simple, follow the steps. 1.) Use a professional format. 2.) Include a heading. 3.) Create a strong hook. 4.) Write a short synopsis. 5.) Add information about credentials. 6.) Close the letter with a grateful statement. 7.) Proofread your work.

How do you warn an employee about misconduct?

You do so through a query letter for misconduct or througha aerning letter. Inform them of their poor performance and discuss it with the employee. The letter also helps in setting expectations for future behavior and may be a precursor to termination.

Query letter for misconduct reply?

I would like to inform you that __________ (Mention your response). The reason for the same is due to __________ (Mention reason). I hope you will consider my situation in the query mentioned above. I assure you the same will never be repeated again

Difference between query and warning letter?

Warning letter itself is a mild punishment which notify employee that the mistake should not be repeated. While query is the letter demanding the explanation from the employee for the deed which appears to be a mistake.


Make do with our samples on Query Letter For Misconduct and earn how to write warning letters today. This article also contains how to reply to the query of misconduct and also tips on writing warning letters.

Questions and opinions are also welcome in the comment section.