How To Make Pink Lips Cream | A Step by Step Guide

How To Make Pink Lips Cream: Do you want pouty, rosy pink lips? Do you also know that the solution for that is here?

It has been trending for some time now. The good thing about this pink lips cream presently is that you can now get the recipe here in Nigeria without any hazel.

The recipe is very simple to follow. With just simple steps you will get that nice lip that you so much desire.

In this article, you will get all you need on how to make pink lips balm that will suit you.

Here you will also learn the benefits of pink lips, how to make those lips pink permanently, Pink lips ingredients, how to make pink lips cream in Nigeria, and lots more.

Benefits Of Making Your Own Lip Cream

There are many benefits of making your own lip balm. We have highlighted some of these benefits below;

  1. It reduces cost: The cost of buying a lip balm cannot be the same as making it yourself. In other words, you save up costs.
  2. Avoid The Poison Kiss: In other words, make sure the composition of your lip balm is clean and not toxic. It will make you know exactly what your makeup product is made up of.
  3. Desired Finish: You can be sure to get exactly what you want.
  4. Natural Ingredients: Making lip balm that contains natural products like sugar, honey, and oil that agree with your lip type is the ideal thing.
    You will make sure to remove all allergies yourself. And add the best ingredients that suit you.
  5. It Is Fun: it will be a fun experience and you will be very proud of yourself each time you apply your balm.

Factors That Can Darken And Dehydrate The Lips

Here are some of the things that can cause your lip to darken;

  • Excessive exposure to the sun.
  • Dehydration, Keeping lips dry for prolonged times.
  • Lack of hydration.
  • Cigarette smoking.
  • Allergic reactions to toothpaste, lipstick, etc.
  • Too much consumption of caffeine and hot beverages
  • Lip sucking.

What Are The Ingredients For Pink Lips Cream?

Unlike the ingredients for making organic lightening cream, there are a lot of pink lips cream ingredients in Nigeria that can be used in making your own pink lips cream. And there are also different recipes for making pink lips balm.

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Some of these ingredients that we will be discussing include Toothpaste, Granulated sugar, Natural honey, Lemon Juice, Rose petals, Parrafin wax, and a lot more.

Granulated Sugar

Sugar has a lot of ingredients that can help make the lip pink.

Sugar is a natural humectant meaning it draws moisture from its surroundings into the skin and helps to retain any moisture the skin absorbs.

Products that contain sugar and its derivatives actually hydrate the complexion and help to keep moisture in the skin leaving it smooth and plump.

Colgate Tooth Paste

Colgate toothpaste contains Arginine which helps to deliver zinc to the soft parts of the mouth.

It contains ingredients that help remove black substances from the skin and teeth. Therefore, it will be of great help in making lip cream.

Lemon Juice

Lemon has natural bleaching and exfoliating properties. It will exfoliate dead cells for fresher skin to appear.

The result will be kissable lips instantly. It contains vitamin c which makes it a high Antioxidant. This means it can be used to treat acne.

The vitamin C contained in Lemon can help make the lips pink. It is one of the best ingredients to use in making lip cream.


Honey anti-aging effects according to an older study trusted Source. Honey can help with improving the skin’s appearance.

It helps the skin absorb and retain moisture and keeps the skin from drying out. It also contains antioxidants that help protects, repair, and prevent skin damage.

It helps well in treating acne and oily-prone skin. Therefore, it is a good ingredient in making pink lip balm.

Rose Petal

Another good ingredient for making pink lip balm is Rose petals. Roses exert a stunning effect on your lips.

They not only lend a pinkish hue to your lips but also make them soft as they moisturize the skin and enhance color. Moreover, rose petals exfoliate your lips and make them look fuller.

Parrafin Wax (Vaseline)

Parrafin wax, petroleum jelly, vaseline, or petroleum tropical is said to relieve dry skin, help heal wounds, and even help moisturize chapped lips.

Vaseline helps seal out wetness and is helpful in preventing diaper rash or skin irritation caused by bladder or bowel incontinence.

Best Permanent Pink Lips Cream

Step By Step Guide On How To Make Pink Lips Cream

We have prepared different ways of making pink lip balm. We will briefly explain them below.

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How To Make Pink Lips Cream With Colgate Toothpaste

Ingredients needed: Colgate toothpaste and Granulated sugar.

Materials needed: Toothbrush, metal or glass container, and spoon.

The following are the steps on how to make pink lip balm with Colgate toothpaste;

  1. Add one teaspoon of Colgate toothpaste to your desired container.
  2. Add two spoons of granulated sugar.
  3. Mix gently till the mixture is smooth and creamy.
  4. Your pink lips cream is ready for use.
  5. Apply the lip balm on your lips every morning by scrubbing gently with a toothbrush.

How To Make Pink Lips Cream With Vaseline

Ingredients needed: Vaseline, Redeye shadow, and Honey.

Materials needed: Small container, Stainless container, and Spoon.

Below are the steps on how to make pink lips cream with Vaseline;

  1. Depending on the quantity of lip balm you want, scoop some Vaseline into your stainless container.
  2. Place on a low-heat stove or any other available domestic heater like a microwave. Stir gently until it dissolves.
  3. Add the red eye shadow, and stir properly until it mixes properly.
  4. Add one teaspoon of honey and mix properly.
  5. Keep in the freezer for a day to freeze. Your home pink lip balm is ready for use.
  6. You can apply it every morning and night on your lip and allow it to stay up to an hour.

How To Make Pink Lip Cream With Caro White And Toothpaste

How to make lip balm with Caro White answers the question of how to make pink lips balm in Nigeria.

In Nigeria, we are all familiar with the body cream called Carotone or Caro White. It consists of active ingredients which help in renewing your skin, giving you an even tone and smoother youthful complexion.

It is used by many who desire a lighter complexion of their lips (pink lips) and skin as well. It is good for achieving a smoother and even more youthful tune.

Below is the step-by-step guide on how to make pink lips cream with Carotone.

  1. Wash your lips and face thoroughly & pat dry.
  2. Take a little carotene cream and apply it to your lips.
  3. Apply it to the area of importance.
  4. Massage properly, till it is absorbed by the lips and vanishes away.
  5. Make sure you apply it daily after washing your lips and face thoroughly.
  6. It is more effective during the night, so endeavor to apply it often at night.
  7. Give it a time of 3 weeks, it will start to show its effectiveness.
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How To Make Pink Lip Cream With Honey and Lemon Juice

This honey-lemon mask instantly gets you soft pink lips. While the honey is busy giving your lips a boost of moisture, the lemon acts as a bleaching agent in this mask, effectively dealing with any lip discoloration and removing dark spots.

  1. Combine one teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of lemon juice together.
  2. Apply this paste onto your lips.
  3. Leave it there for around 15 minutes.
  4. Remove it with warm water and then add a bit of lip balm to finish.

FAQ On How To Make Pink Lip Cream

Below are the frequently asked questions on How To Make Pink Lip Balm;

Does Vaseline Make Lips Pink?

Vaseline helps to prevent dryness and provides a barrier to shield the surface skin on your lips. Locks in moisture to support the skin’s natural dry skin healing processes.

The jelly helps to remove built-up pigments on your lips. This leaves smooth soft and pink, giving naturally pink lips.

Which Oil Makes Lips Pink?

Almond oil replenishes the lips and prevents it from getting chapped while lemon acts as the natural bleaching agent that lightens the lips and makes them naturally supple and pink.


With this guide on how to make pink lip cream, you can easily make pink lip cream of different fragrances, colors, and healthy lip balms with the ingredients that you desire.

The good thing I that the ingredients for making these homemade lip creams are not expensive. They are very affordable and economical.

Read this article thoroughly and you will be able to make your own lip balm that will last you up to 4 – 5 months.

If the pink lip balm is not properly made, it can cause bruises on the lips, in a situation like this, you should try any of the essential oils for bruises at it early stage lest it escalate to something more serious.

Do not forget to ask questions and share your opinions in the comment section.