The List of 20 Things You Don’t Have to Pay For (Do It Yourself)

Todays article will explain clearly the top 20 things you don’t have to pay for. Please read carefully to digest all i have got for you.

I recently posed a question on my page asking followers to name one expense they avoid paying for that many others do. In an effort to provide you some inspiration for ways to simplify your life and save money, I’ve put the most popular suggestions into one page.

But keep in mind that managing your money deliberately does not equate to being frugal and miserable. It doesn’t imply you aren’t frugal or that you are doing poorly if you pay for something on this list. You have control over where and how your money is spent. These are merely suggestions to start your creative juices flowing, particularly if you’re seeking for ways to increase your savings.

20 Things You Don’t Have to Pay For

20 Things You Don’t Have to Pay For

1. Handyman services – nearly anything may be fixed with the help of YouTube! Our dishwasher quit working a few weeks ago. Jesse did some online research, discovered the part we needed to get on Amazon, then watched YouTube videos to figure out how to fix it! (Note: I wouldn’t advise trying to fix something you’re not sure you can fix. In some cases, trying to fix anything on our own ended up costing us far more in the long run. So before beginning, think carefully about whether you feel comfortable doing the repair.

2. Manicures and pedicures – Kaitlynn learned how to perform gel and dip manicures by viewing YouTube videos alone (again!). You may need to invest in a few tools to do it yourself, but if you have a creative streak, you should be able to pick up the skills quite quickly and give yourself (and others!) a beautiful manicure for a fraction of the cost of what you would pay at a nail salon. (By the way, using Impress nails, which work quite well, is another way to “cheat”!)

READ ALSO:  Ways to Stop Unusual Spending When It Seems Impossible

3. TV streaming services (or cable)

You may frequently find free internet content to watch (such as through Tubi or Peacock). There are advertisements, but free is free.

4. Paper Towels

We stopped purchasing paper towels many years ago after discovering that rags and washcloths worked just as well! What we employ in its place is shown below.

5. Bottled water

Purchase a water filter and fill up a reusable bottle or cup. (Learn more about how I consume a gallon of water daily.)

6. Haircuts

You can learn to cut boys’ and men’s hair with the help of a basic trimmer set. My husband is an active duty Marine and is forced to receive a zero fade haircut every week, Janelle wrote in a Facebook remark. That was costing us more than $60 every month (sometimes more depending on the location he was stationed at). We have already saved over $7200 as a result of my over ten-year haircutting relationship with him!

7. Books

Use your neighborhood library, Libby, Hoopla, or MyReaderRewards to borrow free books. (There are many methods to obtain books for free or nearly free.)

8. Amazon Prime

While it may be useful, you may just wait until your shopping basket contains enough items to qualify for free shipping. (I published a post a while back on the value of Amazon Prime.)

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9. Eating out

Learn how to prepare restaurant meals at home and/or stock up on frozen or take-and-bake pizza during sales to keep in the freezer for those lazy nights!

10. Beverages

Sodas and coffees at restaurants are among the most exorbitantly priced things. If you are going to be out and tempted to stop for a drink, stick to water or carry some from home. (Here’s a suggestion to consume more water!)

11. Dog grooming

Dana wrote on Facebook that she does her own dog grooming. One costs more than $75 every groom. We have three dogs that require frequent grooming, so I figure out that they need to be groomed every six weeks. By acquiring this skill and doing it myself, I significantly reduce the cost to our family.

12. K-Cups

Purchasing K-cups is significantly more expensive than purchasing coffee in bulk containers. “$10 for a box of 12 is outrageous considering I can finish it in two days,” wrote Kimberly on Facebook. I can last nearly three weeks on a can of Maxwell House. And if you want to make coffee in the Keurig without paying exorbitant costs for K-Cups, you may use a reusable K-Cup. (And don’t forget that at Panera right now you can get 3 months of unlimited coffee and tea for FREE.)

13. Oil Changes

You’ll save a lot of money if you learn to perform these on your own!

READ ALSO:  How To Pay Off Debt With A Low Income (My Experience)

14. Gym membership

You can spend money on your own exercise equipment (my treadmill, which I use almost daily and have had for years, has more than paid for itself!) or go for a walk or run outside, or search YouTube for free exercise regimens. (An additional extremely cost-effective choice is to purchase a one-year subscription to GetHealthyU TV for for $3!)

15. Pre-packaged Snacks

Create some quick and simple snack dishes that your family will enjoy. It will probably be much healthier as well! (Some of our favorite homemade snack suggestions are included here.)

16. Straws

A few years ago, I made an investment in some steel straws, and now we use them almost daily!

17. Hair Cut/coloring

This is something you may do at home on your own or have a buddy do it for you. Check to see if there is a nearby cosmetology school that provides services to the general public if you don’t feel comfortable with that.

18. Magazines

There are many numerous ways to obtain free magazine subscriptions (we always add them here when we find them!). Additionally, your local library frequently offers free access to periodicals online or for reading in person.

19. Music Streaming Services 

Spotify and YouTube both offer free music streaming (with a free subscription).

20. photo prints (Free)

are frequently available at Walgreens and CVS! Utilize these for presents and your personal collection.

That is it when it comes to  Things You Don’t Have to Pay For. I hope you will take this into consideration.